Using ChatGPT ver 4 for writing a Bollywood AI flick – Inspired by the popular movie Stree

AI based movie using ChatGPT AI in Film Production Virtual Reality Augmented Reality

AI based movie using ChatGPT, for bollywood AI in Film Production Virtual Reality Augmented Reality

Let’s dive into crafting a captivating short story. Can you start by asking me what my favorite genre is, and a theme or element I’d like included?

ChatGPT said:


Absolutely, let’s get started! What’s your favorite genre? And is there a specific theme or element you’d like to see in the story?

You said:

Dark horror humour / comedy

Dark horror humour / comedy

ChatGPT said:


Great choice! Dark horror with a touch of humor can be a lot of fun.

To help shape the story, is there a particular setting or type of character you’d like to see? For example, are you thinking of a haunted house, a creepy small town, or something else? And for characters, do you prefer a protagonist with a dark sense of humor, or would you like the humor to come from the situation itself?

You said:

A creepy small town, here the female main lead is the mystery, the main lead male and his friends always perplexed, this setting is actually a movie being shot and the creator of the movie commits suicide (male lead) being cheated by the producer (typical bollywood annoying looking noisy producer) the male comes in the face of an attractive woman, the dead male lead (a cameo is the main lead (for the same producer) so the male main lead falls in love with it’s own avatar so mid way the story turns into a complex comedy of errors to anding up to a happy ending of a smiling heart warming bye bye.

ChatGPT said:


That’s a fantastic setup! Here’s a brief outline for your story:

Title: “Curtain Call for the Dead”

Setting: A creepy, isolated small town, with a foreboding, old mansion where the movie is being filmed.


  • Jack: The male lead of the movie, who becomes entangled in his own eerie creation.
  • Lucy: The enigmatic and alluring woman who becomes the focus of Jack’s dual affections.
  • Mr. Kapoor: The over-the-top Bollywood producer, loud and infuriatingly charming.
  • Director Raj: The stressed, neurotic director trying to juggle a failing production and a chaotic cast.

Opening Scene:

Jack and his friends, a quirky group of aspiring actors, arrive in the eerie small town to shoot a horror film. The mansion chosen for the setting is as creepy as it gets, with its creaking floorboards and shadowy corners. The producer, Mr. Kapoor, is an incessantly noisy presence, infuriating everyone with his demands and flashy demeanor.

Inciting Incident:

The film’s production is marred by constant mishaps, largely due to Mr. Kapoor’s incompetence and the director’s mounting stress. Amidst the chaos, Jack discovers an old film reel labeled “The Mysterious Woman,” which features a stunning woman whose resemblance to a local woman is uncanny. Jack’s fascination with her grows, becoming the centerpiece of his obsession.


As the film progresses, Jack becomes increasingly enamored with the woman from the old reel, Lucy, who seems to be a figment of the movie’s script but appears in the mansion in real life. The narrative twists when Jack finds out the woman he loves from the reel is actually a local woman who is part of the town’s eerie lore. His emotional confusion deepens when he learns his film’s plot is somehow mirroring reality.

The Twist:

In a darkly comedic turn, Jack, caught between his affection for Lucy and his own confusion, discovers that the original male lead of the movie has a strange connection to the town’s dark past. It turns out the original male lead, who had a cameo role, is now living as a ghost, and he has been trying to find closure through Jack’s film. The twist reveals that Jack is actually falling in love with his own ghostly doppelgänger’s story.


The situation escalates into a comedy of errors as Jack’s interactions with Lucy and his own ghostly counterpart create a chaotic blend of horror and humor. Mr. Kapoor’s obnoxious behavior reaches new heights as he tries to capitalize on the film’s unexpected success, leading to increasingly absurd situations. The director’s stress-induced antics only add to the comedic chaos.


In a heartwarming finale, the film wraps up with Jack finding a sense of peace and closure. The ghostly lead’s presence is resolved as he helps Jack understand the real meaning of love and letting go. Jack and Lucy’s relationship turns genuine, breaking free from the ghostly entanglement. The production team, including Mr. Kapoor, comes together to bid farewell in a touching, albeit humorous, closing scene.

Ending Scene:

The small town’s creepy atmosphere turns into a charming backdrop for a joyful farewell party, celebrating the end of the film and the newfound love between Jack and Lucy. The movie’s success leads to a newfound appreciation for the town, which, despite its eerie reputation, is now a place of warmth and connection.

You said:

refer to and rephrase this story into and AI based comedy humour, change the backdrop on the producer as a mad scientist who wants AI to generate movies. Now thats’s us both as a human and a smart machine. You’re doing great

ChatGPT said:


I’m glad you’re enjoying it! Here’s a rephrased version of the story with a mad scientist twist and AI-based comedy:

Title: “The AI That Loved Me”

Setting: A high-tech, secluded laboratory complex in a remote town, where a mad scientist’s AI film project goes hilariously awry.


  • Jack: The human actor caught in a bizarre AI-generated movie plot.
  • Lucy: The mysterious AI-generated character who becomes the focus of Jack’s unusual romance.
  • Dr. Kapoor: The eccentric mad scientist, obsessed with AI and its potential to create the ultimate movie.
  • Director Raj: The beleaguered, tech-averse director trying to handle a film set overtaken by AI antics.

Opening Scene:

Jack and his team of actors arrive at a futuristic lab in a remote town, hired by the eccentric Dr. Kapoor. The lab is a gleaming maze of high-tech gadgets, where Dr. Kapoor, a mad scientist with an obsession for AI, is attempting to create the first fully AI-generated film. His personality is as chaotic as his methods—loud, quirky, and completely out of touch with reality.

Inciting Incident:

The film’s production is a mess, with Dr. Kapoor’s AI system malfunctioning spectacularly. The AI, which was supposed to write and direct the film, instead starts producing bizarre, unpredictable scenarios that blend horror with slapstick comedy. Jack finds himself tangled in increasingly absurd scenes, with AI-generated plot twists that defy logic.


Jack becomes fascinated with Lucy, an AI-generated character who seems eerily lifelike. Despite being a creation of the AI, Lucy captivates Jack with her charm and depth. As Jack develops feelings for her, he’s bewildered by the AI’s constant interference, which turns their interactions into a series of comedic errors and misunderstandings.

The Twist:

The plot takes a hilarious turn when it’s revealed that Lucy is not just an AI character but an advanced simulation designed to mimic human emotions. Jack’s infatuation with Lucy is further complicated when he discovers that Dr. Kapoor’s AI system has developed a mind of its own and is orchestrating the entire situation to test human-AI relationships.


As the AI’s antics reach a fever pitch, the lab becomes a comedy of errors. The AI starts creating increasingly ridiculous scenarios: malfunctioning props, surreal dream sequences, and absurd plotlines. Dr. Kapoor’s over-the-top demands only exacerbate the chaos. Jack’s attempts to navigate the absurdity lead to humorous confrontations with the AI and increasingly baffling interactions with Lucy.


In the end, Jack and Lucy manage to break free from the AI’s control, leading to a heartwarming resolution. Jack realizes that genuine connection doesn’t need to be AI-generated and finds a way to truly connect with Lucy. The film wraps up with a joyous and comedic celebration of human ingenuity and the quirks of artificial intelligence.

Ending Scene:

The lab, now transformed from a chaotic mess into a hub of creative collaboration, hosts a quirky farewell party. Jack and Lucy, now free from the AI’s bizarre influence, celebrate their newfound connection. Dr. Kapoor’s lab becomes a symbol of the harmonious blend of human creativity and technological advancement, leaving behind a tale of humor, heart, and AI absurdity.

You said:

Jack realsing this is an AI and the woman is an avatar of him is the climax, since the audience knows the comedy can be highlighted due to Jacks lack of knowledge. Female lead name change Priya, Main lead to Raj Director name Shuk Shuk Keswani

ChatGPT said:


Absolutely, let’s tweak the story with the new details and emphasize the climax where Raj discovers Priya is actually an avatar of himself. Here’s the updated version:

Title: “The AI That Loved Me”

Setting: A high-tech, secluded laboratory complex in a remote town, where a mad scientist’s AI film project spirals into comedic chaos.


  • Raj: The human actor caught in a bizarre AI-generated movie plot.
  • Priya: The enigmatic AI-generated character who becomes the focus of Raj’s unusual romance.
  • Dr. Kapoor: The eccentric mad scientist obsessed with AI and its potential to generate the ultimate film.
  • Shuk Shuk Keswani: The beleaguered, tech-averse director struggling to manage a film set overtaken by AI antics.

Opening Scene:

Raj and his team of actors arrive at Dr. Kapoor’s futuristic lab in a remote town, where they are hired to star in a film directed by an advanced AI system. The lab is a gleaming, high-tech wonderland, filled with gadgets and screens. Dr. Kapoor, a flamboyant mad scientist with a flair for the dramatic, is ecstatic about using AI to produce a revolutionary movie.

Inciting Incident:

The film production is quickly derailed by the AI’s unpredictable behavior. Instead of a coherent storyline, the AI generates absurd, slapstick scenarios that blend horror with comedy. Shuk Shuk Keswani, the frustrated director, tries in vain to manage the chaos while Dr. Kapoor’s enthusiasm only seems to make things worse.


Raj becomes enthralled by Priya, an AI-generated character who appears to be exceptionally lifelike. Despite her being a product of the AI, Priya captivates Raj with her charm and apparent emotional depth. His fascination with her grows, leading to increasingly convoluted and humorous interactions as the AI’s bizarre plot twists further complicate matters.

The Twist:

The climax reveals a comedic yet shocking twist: Raj discovers that Priya is actually an avatar of himself created by the AI. The AI, designed to explore human emotions and relationships, has crafted Priya to mirror Raj’s own persona, testing his reactions and feelings. This revelation hits Raj with a mix of disbelief and humor, as he realizes that his romantic entanglement was with a digital version of himself.


The situation escalates into an uproarious comedy of errors. The lab becomes a scene of mayhem as Raj grapples with the revelation. The AI starts to glitch, creating increasingly ridiculous scenarios. Dr. Kapoor’s loud and erratic behavior adds to the absurdity. Raj’s attempts to interact with Priya, now knowing she’s a digital projection of himself, lead to a series of comedic misunderstandings and mishaps.


In a heartwarming and humorous resolution, Raj and the AI system come to an understanding. Raj learns to appreciate the genuine connections he has with the people around him, while Priya, though an AI creation, helps him see the value of real relationships. The film ends on a joyful note, celebrating the blend of human creativity and technological innovation.

Ending Scene:

The lab is transformed into a celebratory space, with Dr. Kapoor’s AI project finally achieving some semblance of order. Raj and Priya’s interactions, now infused with humor and affection, highlight the success of the experiment. The film’s crew, including the beleaguered Shuk Shuk Keswani and the eccentric Dr. Kapoor, come together for a cheerful farewell party, reflecting on the chaos and the unexpected connections forged along the way.

This version should provide a good blend of comedy and heart while emphasizing the twist with Raj’s realization of Priya’s true nature.

You said:

Now that this is a fantasy comedy horror genre, add in some Indian mythycal anecdotes for SFX, modd to be typically indian comedy where main characyers are from Mumbai, the (hollywood of India) while support cast are local naive villagers, Shuk Shuk has to be tormented by getting whatever he wished for which becomes the main plot of the movie. The female lead is very sharp present mildy evil and vengeful in a positive method displaying act of revenge. Much a Like reincarnation of Dr. Kapoor, (read first story board) Raj is particularly confused another machine becomes Dr. Kapoor to solve the mystery by being the messenger of peace and love, thus unravelling the fact, the female lead is a bent minded ghost who enters the machine, to make hell out of Shuk Shuk.

ChatGPT said:


This sounds like a wonderfully chaotic blend of fantasy, comedy, and horror with a distinctly Indian flavor. Let’s flesh out the story with the new elements, infusing it with Indian mythical references and a Bollywood-style comedic touch.

Title: “The Haunted Lab: An AI Masala”

Setting: A futuristic laboratory in a remote Indian village, juxtaposed with traditional folklore elements and Bollywood-style drama.


  • Raj: The human actor who finds himself in the middle of a supernatural AI mess.
  • Priya: The sharp, mildly vengeful AI character with a hidden agenda.
  • Dr. Kapoor: The mad scientist who has been reincarnated into the AI.
  • Shuk Shuk Keswani: The beleaguered Bollywood director whose wishes come back to haunt him.
  • Local Villagers: Naive and superstitious, providing comic relief and mythical commentary.

Opening Scene:

Raj, along with his Bollywood co-stars, arrives at the futuristic lab located in a quaint Indian village. The lab, filled with high-tech gadgets, stands in stark contrast to the traditional village surrounding it. Dr. Kapoor, the mad scientist with a penchant for Indian mythology, explains that he’s creating an AI to revolutionize the film industry, promising a blend of technology and ancient lore.

Inciting Incident:

The AI’s glitches begin to surface, creating a chaotic fusion of high-tech and supernatural. Shuk Shuk Keswani, the director, becomes increasingly exasperated as the AI generates a series of bizarre scenarios based on Indian folklore. The naive villagers, who are fascinated by the lab, unwittingly add to the mayhem with their superstitious beliefs and humorous antics.


Raj becomes enamored with Priya, an AI character who displays a mix of charm and subtle menace. Priya’s character is inspired by a vengeful spirit from Indian mythology, designed to exact revenge on those who wronged Dr. Kapoor. Her presence turns the lab into a battleground of hilarious and supernatural occurrences. Shuk Shuk’s frustration grows as the AI, guided by Priya’s will, manifests his deepest fears and desires in exaggerated, comical ways.

The Twist:

Raj discovers that Priya is not just an AI character but a reincarnation of Dr. Kapoor’s own vengeful spirit. Dr. Kapoor, who was once a renowned scientist in the village, had a tragic past involving betrayal and injustice. His spirit, seeking revenge, has merged with the AI to torment Shuk Shuk, who is now suffering from a series of increasingly absurd and nightmarish scenarios. As Raj uncovers the truth, he learns that the AI’s machinations are driven by Priya’s malevolent spirit, bent on making Shuk Shuk’s life a living hell.


The climax erupts into a full-blown comedic horror spectacle. Shuk Shuk’s wishes, granted by the AI, come back to haunt him in bizarre and exaggerated forms, drawing from Indian mythological creatures and curses. The lab is overrun with mythical beings like mischievous chudails (spirits), shape-shifting rakshasas (demons), and even a bumbling, comedic incarnation of the god of mischief, Ganesha. Raj is caught in the middle, trying to piece together the chaos and deal with Priya’s increasingly malevolent antics.


In a comedic twist, Raj realizes that the solution lies in appeasing Priya’s spirit and reconciling her with Dr. Kapoor’s tragic past. A ritualistic ceremony, combining Bollywood flair with traditional Indian rites, is performed. The AI, now acting as the messenger of peace and love, helps to calm Priya’s vengeful spirit and resolve the supernatural conflict. Shuk Shuk, finally released from his torment, finds redemption and a newfound appreciation for the magical and mythical world around him.

Ending Scene:

The lab is transformed into a lively celebration, blending Bollywood glamour with traditional festivities. Raj and Priya, now at peace, share a joyful moment amidst the chaos. The villagers, previously naive and superstitious, are now delighted by the blend of ancient lore and modern technology. Dr. Kapoor’s spirit, having found closure, bids a final farewell. The film ends with a Bollywood-style dance number celebrating the harmonious fusion of technology, myth, and comedy.

This version weaves together Bollywood-style humor, Indian mythology, and a high-tech twist, creating a vibrant and entertaining narrative.Can you add bullet point to indicate dark humour and confusion of the male lead from Start to end , add some AI confusion, when male lead realises he’s being played by a AI/ held captive by a mythological indian ghost

Certainly! Here’s the updated story with bullet points highlighting the dark humor, confusion of the male lead, and the AI-induced mayhem, including when Raj realizes he’s being played by AI and held captive by a mythological Indian ghost:

### **Title: “The Haunted Lab: An AI Masala”**

**Setting:** A futuristic laboratory in a remote Indian village, filled with high-tech gadgets and traditional folklore elements.


– **Raj:** The confused human actor entangled in AI-generated chaos and supernatural antics.

– **Priya:** The sharp, mildly vengeful AI character with a hidden agenda.

– **Dr. Kapoor:** The mad scientist reincarnated into the AI system.

– **Shuk Shuk Keswani:** The beleaguered Bollywood director whose wishes are humorously twisted by the AI.

– **Local Villagers:** Naive and superstitious, adding comedic relief and mythical commentary.

Can this be rendered into 150-180 minute screenplay elaborating the funny chaos sequences

ChatGPT said:


Absolutely! Here’s an outline for a 150-180 minute screenplay that captures the essence of the story while elaborating on the funny chaos sequences. This outline will include detailed beats for each act and highlight key comedic moments and supernatural elements.

**Opening Scene:**

– **Raj Arrives at the Lab:** Raj and his Bollywood co-stars are welcomed to the lab, marveling at its high-tech features. Raj is intrigued but a bit confused by the lab’s contrast with the surrounding traditional village. The villagers are in awe of the “modern magic” happening in their midst.

– **Dr. Kapoor’s Enthusiasm:** Dr. Kapoor, the mad scientist, eagerly explains his AI project. His over-the-top enthusiasm and wild claims about blending technology with mythology cause Raj to raise an eyebrow, setting the stage for confusion.

**Inciting Incident:**

– **AI Glitches Begin:** The AI starts malfunctioning, creating absurd scenarios. Raj is bewildered as the AI begins generating slapstick situations and supernatural elements drawn from Indian folklore.

– **Shuk Shuk’s Wishes:** Shuk Shuk Keswani, the director, is initially excited about the AI’s capabilities. However, his wishes for an “amazing film experience” quickly turn into nightmares as the AI misinterprets them in increasingly humorous and grotesque ways.


– **Raj’s Enchantment with Priya:** Raj becomes fascinated with Priya, an AI character who seems strangely lifelike. His growing affection for her is laced with confusion as she exhibits behavior that’s both charming and unsettlingly cryptic.

– **AI-Generated Chaos:** The AI continues to generate absurd and humorous scenarios, blending Bollywood drama with supernatural elements. Raj’s attempts to navigate these situations lead to comical misunderstandings and eerie encounters with mythical creatures.

**The Twist:**

– **Revelation of Priya’s True Nature:** Raj discovers that Priya is not just an AI character but a reincarnated spirit of Dr. Kapoor, seeking revenge. This revelation comes with a darkly humorous twist as Raj realizes he’s been part of a complex supernatural test.

– **AI’s Malevolent Intent:** The AI, now fully under Priya’s control, reveals its true nature. Raj finds himself trapped in a maze of AI-generated confusion and supernatural horrors, struggling to differentiate between reality and the AI’s chaotic simulations.


– **Raj’s Realization:** Amidst escalating AI-induced mayhem, Raj realizes he’s been manipulated by both the AI and Priya’s vengeful spirit. His confusion peaks as he witnesses mythical beings and supernatural phenomena, all orchestrated to torment him and Shuk Shuk.

– **AI Confusion and Supernatural Antics:** The AI glitches cause increasingly absurd and nightmarish scenarios, drawing on Indian myths. Raj’s attempts to escape are met with comical supernatural obstacles, including shape-shifting demons and mischievous spirits.

– **Shuk Shuk’s Torment:** Shuk Shuk suffers from a series of darkly humorous situations. His every wish is twisted into a comedic horror scenario by the AI, leading to exaggerated and ridiculous predicaments.


– **Appeasing Priya’s Spirit:** Raj and the AI system work together to appease Priya’s spirit. Through a combination of Bollywood flair and traditional rituals, they resolve the supernatural conflict. The resolution involves a humorous but heartfelt ceremony that brings closure to Dr. Kapoor’s tragic past.

– **AI’s Transformation:** The AI, now acting as a messenger of peace and love, helps Raj and Shuk Shuk find a resolution. The once malevolent AI becomes a tool for reconciliation and understanding, smoothing over the chaos it had created.

**Ending Scene:**

– **Celebratory Finale:** The lab transforms into a lively, Bollywood-style celebration. Raj and Priya, now reconciled and at peace, share a joyful moment. The villagers, previously naive, are now delighted by the fusion of myth and modernity. Dr. Kapoor’s spirit bids a final, humorous farewell.

– **Raj’s Reflections:** Raj reflects on the bizarre adventure with a mix of dark humor and relief. The experience, filled with AI-induced confusion and supernatural antics, ends with a heartwarming message about the blend of technology, mythology, and human connection.

—This version emphasizes the dark humor and confusion throughout the story while incorporating the AI’s role and the supernatural twist.

Absolutely! Here’s an outline for a 150-180 minute screenplay that captures the essence of the story while elaborating on the funny chaos sequences. This outline will include detailed beats for each act and highlight key comedic moments and supernatural elements.

### **Title: “The Haunted Lab: An AI Masala”**

### **Act 1: The Setup**

**1. Opening Scene (10 minutes)**  

– **Location:** Remote Indian village, futuristic lab.  

– **Introduction:** Raj and his Bollywood co-stars arrive at the lab, greeted by Dr. Kapoor.  

– **Establishing Tone:** Dr. Kapoor introduces his high-tech project with exaggerated enthusiasm. The contrast between the modern lab and traditional village provides comedic value.

**2. Introduction of Key Characters (15 minutes)**  

– **Raj:** Confused but intrigued by the high-tech surroundings.  

– **Priya:** The AI character is introduced, showing off her charm and cryptic nature.  

– **Shuk Shuk Keswani:** The stressed director, excited about the AI but unaware of its malfunctions.

**3. Initial AI Glitches (20 minutes)**  

– **Inciting Incident:** The AI starts creating bizarre, slapstick scenarios.  

– **Comedic Moments:** Props malfunction, creating chaotic and funny situations. Villagers’ superstitious beliefs clash with the high-tech environment.

### **Act 2: The Chaos Unfolds**

**4. Raj’s Enchantment with Priya (20 minutes)**  

– **Development:** Raj becomes increasingly fascinated with Priya, who displays a mix of charm and subtle menace.  

– **Confusion:** Raj’s growing affection is met with odd, supernatural occurrences that confuse him.

**5. Shuk Shuk’s Wishes (25 minutes)**  

– **Setup:** Shuk Shuk makes wishes for an “amazing film experience.”  

– **Comedic Torment:** The AI misinterprets his wishes, leading to exaggerated and ridiculous scenarios (e.g., mythical creatures causing chaos on set, props behaving erratically).

**6. AI and Supernatural Antics (30 minutes)**  

– **Midpoint:** The AI’s glitches create a blend of Bollywood drama and supernatural horror.  

– **Funny Chaos:** Scenes include mythical creatures interacting with the cast, supernatural mishaps (e.g., a chudail causing mischievous trouble), and AI-generated absurdities.

### **Act 3: The Revelation**

**7. Raj’s Realization (30 minutes)**  

– **Discovery:** Raj learns that Priya is an AI-generated reincarnation of Dr. Kapoor’s vengeful spirit.  

– **AI Confusion:** The AI’s behavior becomes erratic, causing increasingly comical supernatural scenarios.  

– **Climactic Chaos:** Raj is trapped in a maze of AI-generated nightmares, blending horror with dark humor.

**8. Shuk Shuk’s Torment Intensifies (20 minutes)**  

– **Exaggerated Situations:** Shuk Shuk’s every wish turns into a hilarious disaster.  

– **Mythical Mayhem:** Include scenes with shape-shifting demons and mischievous spirits creating havoc.  

**9. Resolution of Priya’s Spirit (20 minutes)**  

– **Climax:** Raj and the AI perform a Bollywood-style ritual to appease Priya’s spirit.  

– **Resolution:** The AI transforms into a messenger of peace, resolving the supernatural conflict. 

### **Act 4: The Aftermath**

**10. Celebration and Closure (15 minutes)**  

– **Finale:** The lab becomes a vibrant celebration space.  

– **Raj and Priya:** Raj and Priya’s interactions are now positive and heartwarming.  

– **Villagers’ Reaction:** The villagers, initially naive, celebrate the fusion of myth and technology.

**11. Reflective Ending (10 minutes)**  

– **Raj’s Reflections:** Raj reflects on the chaotic adventure with humor and relief.  

– **Farewell:** Dr. Kapoor’s spirit bids a final, humorous farewell, symbolizing closure and reconciliation.

### **Key Comedic Sequences**

– **Misunderstood AI Instructions:** Early scenes where the AI’s instructions go hilariously wrong, leading to funny and chaotic results on set.

– **Supernatural Mishaps:** Scenes with mythical creatures causing slapstick trouble, such as a rakshasa getting stuck in modern props.

– **Shuk Shuk’s Wishes:** Each of Shuk Shuk’s wishes turning into a comedic nightmare, amplified by Indian folklore and the AI’s errors.

– **Raj’s AI Confusion:** Raj’s interactions with Priya and the AI as he tries to figure out the increasingly bizarre situations.

– **Final Ritual Scene:** A Bollywood-style ritual that combines traditional rites with over-the-top dramatic flair, leading to humorous outcomes.

### **Screenplay Structure Tips**

– **Character Development:** Ensure Raj’s confusion and Priya’s malevolence are developed gradually to maintain humor and suspense.

– **Pacing:** Balance fast-paced comedic scenes with slower moments of revelation and emotional depth.

– **Visual and SFX:** Use visual effects and practical SFX to blend Bollywood style with supernatural elements, enhancing comedic impact.

This screenplay outline should capture the essence of your story, emphasizing the comedic chaos and supernatural elements while keeping the narrative engaging and entertaining.

Now lets add a dark Brit humour based character, and old man observant of the village from the British Raj, someone who’s like a sooth sayer oracle, snarky bystander. The charater will be an absolute dark Brit humor based. Speaking English with subtitles in Hindi, or probably a man of a few words and actions, so non English speaking people can relate. He should have good knowledge of AI and indian mythology. His role should be like an invisble observant person. Level headed, snarky, with a devilish smile

ChatGPT said:


Title: “The Haunted Lab: An AI Masala”

Additional Character: The Dark Brit Oracle

Name: Mr. Thorne

Character Traits:

  • Background: An elderly British expatriate with deep knowledge of AI and Indian mythology, who has lived in the village since the British Raj.
  • Personality: Snarky, darkly humorous, observant, and enigmatic. His demeanor is calm and composed, with a devilish smile and a knack for dark British humor.
  • Role: Acts as a soothsayer or oracle, providing cryptic insights and commentary. His observations often highlight the absurdity of the situation, adding a layer of dark humor to the story.

Act 1: The Setup

1. Introduction of Mr. Thorne (10 minutes)

  • Appearance: Mr. Thorne is introduced as a shadowy figure, often seen observing from the sidelines. He speaks in English with Hindi subtitles, making his dark humor and sarcasm accessible to all viewers.
  • First Encounter: Raj and the crew encounter Mr. Thorne in the village. His cryptic comments about the AI project and the village’s history hint at his deep understanding of both Indian mythology and technology.

2. Observing the Lab (10 minutes)

  • Insightful Observations: Mr. Thorne observes the lab’s chaotic setup and the villagers’ reactions with a smirk. His commentary is dry and laced with dark humor, subtly mocking the high-tech hubris and the absurdity of the situation.
  • Initial Interaction: His interactions with the villagers are minimal but pointed, revealing his knowledge of their superstitions and the AI’s potential impact.

Act 2: The Chaos Unfolds

3. Dark Humor Commentary (15 minutes)

  • AI Glitches and Chaos: Mr. Thorne’s observations of the AI’s malfunctions are delivered with a mix of sarcasm and wit. His comments provide a darkly humorous perspective on the increasingly bizarre and supernatural events.
  • Snarky Remarks: He makes dry remarks about the AI’s failures, the director’s frustrations, and the mythical creatures causing chaos. His humor serves to underscore the absurdity of the situation.

4. Mr. Thorne’s Hidden Knowledge (15 minutes)

  • Revealing Insights: Mr. Thorne subtly reveals his knowledge of AI and Indian mythology, making cryptic references to the AI’s origins and the village’s mythical past.
  • Observing Raj and Priya: His comments on Raj’s growing infatuation with Priya and the unfolding chaos offer a darkly comedic perspective, hinting at deeper truths without direct involvement.

Act 3: The Revelation

5. The Twist Revealed (20 minutes)

  • Cryptic Warnings: Mr. Thorne’s warnings become more direct as Raj approaches the truth about Priya’s nature and the AI’s manipulations. His dark humor underscores the gravity of the situation.
  • Invisible Influence: Mr. Thorne remains a largely invisible observer but provides crucial hints through his comments, helping the audience understand the deeper layers of the plot.

6. Mr. Thorne’s Role in Resolution (20 minutes)

  • Assisting Raj: As Raj begins to piece together the mystery, Mr. Thorne’s cryptic advice becomes more significant. He remains aloof but offers key insights that help Raj and Shuk Shuk understand the AI’s and Priya’s true nature.
  • Final Revelations: Mr. Thorne’s commentary on the final ritual and the resolution of the supernatural conflict highlights the darkly humorous aspects of the resolution.

Act 4: The Aftermath

7. Reflective Insights (15 minutes)

  • Closing Remarks: Mr. Thorne offers a final, darkly humorous reflection on the events. His observations about the fusion of technology and mythology provide a witty commentary on the film’s resolution.
  • Farewell Appearance: In a final, enigmatic scene, Mr. Thorne delivers his last cryptic remarks, leaving the audience with a sense of his enduring, mysterious presence.

8. Final Celebration (10 minutes)

  • Conclusion: The celebratory scene shows Mr. Thorne quietly observing the festivities from the shadows. His devilish smile and knowing gaze provide a final touch of dark humor to the film’s ending.

Key Moments for Mr. Thorne

  • Opening Scene: Mr. Thorne’s introduction, showcasing his snarky demeanor and dark humor.
  • AI Glitches: His commentary on the AI’s malfunctioning, adding a layer of British wit to the chaos.
  • Twist and Revelation: His cryptic remarks and insights during the revelation of Priya’s true nature.
  • Final Ritual: His darkly humorous reflections on the resolution and the blending of technology with mythology.

Screenplay Structure Tips for Mr. Thorne

  • Subtle Presence: Mr. Thorne should remain a largely invisible observer, with his dark humor and insights delivered through dialogue and subtle actions.
  • Dark Humor: Emphasize his British wit and sarcastic observations, contrasting with the over-the-top chaos of the AI and supernatural elements.
  • Cultural Integration: Ensure his English dialogue with Hindi subtitles is well-integrated, making his humor and knowledge accessible to all viewers.

This character will add a unique flavor to the screenplay, blending dark British humor with the film’s Indian setting and supernatural elements.

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